Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Romania visit

During the October holiday week a team of twelve Doon Academy students, part of the Lazer Group from Bellsbank Church, visited Romania on a mission trip.
The team worked on projects with the Romanian based charity ‘The Smiles Foundation’. The group were involved in working on eleven of the nineteen projects that Smiles is currently developing in Romania. These activities included: working on a farm by cutting back hedges and painting pens; delivering aid to poor, deprived families: taking aid in the form of food, soap and sleeping bags to the homeless; visiting Tileagd school and village; delivering a container into Salard; visiting the emergency housing unit and helping at the crèche with children who need love and attention. Throughout the week the students were able to see ‘how the other half live’ and this proved to be an emotional journey for them. On return, the group hope to spread awareness about the Smiles Foundation and continue fund-raising in the school and the community to help to make a difference to the Romanian people.

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