Our pupils were pleased to listen to assembly addresses from Mrs Stewart and Mr Ellis. Mrs Stewart's topic was an inspiring person, Nick Vujicic. Pupils watched a brief and touching DVD sequence about this young Australian who has overcome severe disabilities to become an amazing role model for young people - and everyone. Naomi Allan (S2) said, "Even though Nick doesn't have arms or legs he still lives his life as best he can". Alistair Paton of S4 thought that Nick's example "makes you realise that your life is really good when he [Nick] can be so positive despite his disabilities".
Mr Ellis led our assemblies in the week leading up to Remembrance Day. As a sailor in the Royal Naval Reserve Mr Ellis has recently served as a driver, attached to the Royal Marines, in Iraq and Afghanistan. His presentations highlighted the effects of these conflicts on the lives of ordinary people and especially the injured servicemen who require care and support for the rest of their lives. Kirsty McCormick (S2) said, "Mr Ellis described an incident that he witnessed and which affected his friends. It was quite upsetting". Dillan Dunn (S4) said of the assembly, "It makes you think about the folk that are over there - especially when you know some of them". Collections for Poppy Scotland were supported by pupils and staff after the assemblies.