Thursday, 15 March 2007

31st January 2007

Sci-Fun was held in the school on Wednesday, January 24 with S2 pupils. The students got hands-on experience of different Science experiments and also a career talk. The day was enjoyed by everyone who attended, and Mrs Brooksbank would like to thank the seven senior Chemistry pupils who acted as demonstrators for the junior pupils.
Miss McMenemy joined Doon Academy in the P.E. Department this week. The Press Group would like to take this opportunity to welcome Miss McMenemy to the school and wish her good luck for the future!
There is also a new student teacher, Miss Shepherd, in the Art department and two new student teachers in English, Miss. Borthwick and Miss Paterson. We would like to welcome all our student teachers to the school and wish them all the very best for their time at Doon.
All clubs are up and running again after Christmas so see respective teachers or posters around the school if you are interested in attending. We also have a new Salsa Club which will be running on Wednesday’s after school. See Mrs Neilson if you are interested in coming along.
The Duke of Edinburgh Award is available in the school and is open to all pupils over the age of 14. The scheme allows you to try your hand at something new and also allows you to improve your existing skills. The programme comes in four sections, which are Service; Skills; Physical Recreation and Expedition. See Mrs Smith in the French department or Miss Walker in the Maths department for more information if you are interested.
Sophie Murphy and Lesley Baird from Mrs Smith’s S2 French class, helped by Marie Reid and Paula Glancy, have written and performed a French play. Well done to all the girls involved! Watch this space for more details of French drama taking place in the school.
The Science Club will be going to Dobbies Garden Centre on Wednesday, February 7 to re-stock the fish tank in the library. Watch this space for more information about a Name the Fish competition coming soon!
Students from S1 to S4 enjoyed the annual ski-trip to Aviemore, which took place from Friday, January 26 until Sunday, January 28.
A successful Parents Evening for students in S4 – S5 took place on Tuesday, January 30.
For the first time, a school year book will be produced this year. Watch this space for more information.
The winner of the Burns Art Competition is Cameron McCrorie in S2. Congratulations to Cameron whose drawing will be on the programme for the Burns Supper. Well Done to all pupils in S1 and S2 who entered the competition. All pupils’ work will be displayed at the Burns Supper.
There are still a few tickets left or Doon Academy’s Burns Supper on the 7th February. Cost of the ticket is £5.00 and they are available from Mrs. Cassidy.

26th January 2007

The S1/2 finalists in the Burns Verse Competition had a visit to the Burns House Museum to celebrate Burns’ birthday. The pupils took part in a dramatisation of the famous Burns poem “To a Mouse” and had a tour of the Burns Museum. Everyone really enjoyed themselves and pupils found the visit very interesting and informative.
S5/6 pupils from the Business Education and ICT Department at Doon Academy took part in a Business Dynamics course on Tuesday 16 and Wednesday 17 January. Pupils learned about the importance to business of team building, human resources, finance and leadership. The aim of the workshop was to promote a greater understanding of the world of business. All pupils thoroughly enjoyed the course and Mrs Stewart would like to thank the organisers and speakers for their valuable contribution to the programme.
Boys and girls S1 football teams will be playing in the Coca Cola Sevens seven-a-side football tournament on Tuesday February 6. Good luck to all the pupils participating in the competition!
S4 pupils took part in a GOALS workshop on Wednesday 24th January on the Pros and Cons of Further and Higher Education. The 4th years found this a very motivating workshop in preparing them for their future.
Doon Academy Burns Supper will be held on Wednesday 7th February from 7pm. Pupils are busy preparing their speeches and rehearsing their recitations and music. Thomas Allardyce in S5 will be this year’s Chairperson. Tickets at £5.00 are available from Mrs. Cassidy.

18th January 2007

Doon Academy have successfully piloted a six week citizenship course for S3 boys. The boys undertook the course to produce a metal sculpture to improve one of the school’s garden areas. The boys worked with Kilmarnock College lecturer Mr Billy Tomlinson and their attractive designs were unveiled to teachers and family members at a special ceremony on Thursday 21 December.
A meeting of the schools Leadership Graduates took place on Thursday 18 January to discuss ways of offering the leadership experience to more pupils. S3 leadership graduates are also in the process of preparing a series of workshops to introduce leadership to younger pupils.
Cathy Cassidy, author of “Dizzy”, “Scarlet”, “Driftwood” and “Indigo Blue” will be coming to Doon Academy at the beginning of March to talk to pupils. Mrs Bax has more information!
Connor Adam received a merit certificate for his piece of artwork that was entered into the Royal Bank of Scotland art competition. Well done Connor!
The Art Department are busy producing decorations and artwork for the Burns competition.

Ashley Mora and Samantha White

18th January 2007

Doon Academy have successfully piloted a six week citizenship course for S3 boys. The boys undertook the course to produce a metal sculpture to improve one of the school’s garden areas. The boys worked with Kilmarnock College lecturer Mr Billy Tomlinson and their attractive designs were unveiled to teachers and family members at a special ceremony on Thursday 21 December.
A meeting of the schools Leadership Graduates took place on Thursday 18 January to discuss ways of offering the leadership experience to more pupils. S3 leadership graduates are also in the process of preparing a series of workshops to introduce leadership to younger pupils.
Cathy Cassidy, author of “Dizzy”, “Scarlet”, “Driftwood” and “Indigo Blue” will be coming to Doon Academy at the beginning of March to talk to pupils. Mrs Bax has more information!
Connor Adam received a merit certificate for his piece of artwork that was entered into the Royal Bank of Scotland art competition. Well done Connor!
The Art Department are busy producing decorations and artwork for the Burns competition.

Ashley Mora and Samantha White

15th January 2007

Doon Academy’s Burns Supper will be held on Wednesday 7th February. Tickets are priced at £4.00 and are available from Mrs. Cassidy or the school office.

Mrs Cockayne has temporarily joined the Technical department following Mr Redmond’s retirement. We wish Mr Redmond a long and happy retirement and welcome Mrs Cockayne to Doon. Mrs McLatchie is temporarily acting PT of the Technology faculty.

Mr Gooding is acting PT Pupil Support while Mrs McRoberts is on maternity leave. We wish Mrs McRoberts well with her new baby when he/she arrives. Mrs Freireich is temporarily replacing Mr Gooding in the Science department.

Other changes in staffing have occurred recently. Mrs Rodger has moved to Cumnock Academy as Acting PT Support for Learning and Mrs Murray has moved to the Support for Learning Department here in Doon from the Supported Learning Centre. Miss Miller from Business Education Department has moved part-time into the Supported Learning Centre and Mr Shevlin is temporarily covering classes in Computing and in the Supported Learning Centre.

Miss Taylor left the PE department at Christmas to work down in London. Unfortunately we have been unable to find a replacement teacher for her yet.

We wish the above teachers all the very best in their new posts.

Mrs Bax and Mrs Nicol are running a Library Club on Thursdays after school. Everyone is welcome - so see Mrs Nicol or Mrs Bax for more information if you are interested!

The Science, Art, Cricket and Swimming Clubs were up and running last week and more are starting up again this week. Watch the noticeboards!

S2 pupils in Science visited Paisley University on Wednesday, January 17. The pupils took part in various science and engineering experiments and everyone found the day very interesting and enjoyable.