Thursday 14 March 2013

World Book Day 7th March 2013

We celebrated WBD this year with an exhibition in the library of book sculptures made by S3 under the tuition of Mrs Murdoch, Art and Design student teacher. Visitors to the exhibition were asked to vote on their favourite. The winner was Colin McTaggart’s Tank with Rory Parker’s Lost at sea a close second. All the exhibits were much admired.

To see more pictures of the book Sculptures go to Doon Reads.

S1 and S2 had an opportunity in their library periods to view the exhibition, and also to see some of the book trailer videos that Ms Davidson’s S3 English class had made. Martyn Pig by Keiran Madden and Colin McTaggart and Roxy’s Baby by Katie Roberts were the two voted most likely to make you want to read the book.

 All pupils received their WBD £1 book vouchers and S1 and S2 received their Accelerated Reader certificates.


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