Monday 25 February 2013

Annual Burns Supper on Thursday 7 February

A new team of behind-the-scenes organisers delivered another fantastic annual Burns Supper. Guests included our local councillors, parents, education service staff and other friends of the school who have become weel kent faces. The talents of our pupils found an appreciative audience. We were entertained by dancers, singers, instrumentalists and speakers of the highest standard.

Robbie Uriarte was welcoming and humorous as MC for the evening. Lauren Shaw, Hayley Bone and Frazer Buchanan were witty and accomplished speakers – Frazer was also our piper. Daniel Dutton addressed the Haggis and Raegan Heggie delivered the “The Immortal Memory”. “Ae fond kiss” and “Caledonia” were beautifully sung by Paige McMahon and Nicky Fairbairn, and Fiona Kennedy’s cornet playing of “Ye Banks and Braes” was another treat. Mr Sullivan’s piano accompaniment to the girls was lovely.

 Another highlight was the Doon Dancers’ (Paige McMahon, again, Stephanie McMahon, Olivia Hiddleston, and Tyler Hiddleston) modern take on the theme from “Last of the Mohicans”. Mr Wilson’s version of “Tam O’ Shanter” is rightly famed and he was in fine form again.

We also enjoyed great food provided by our canteen staff and served by an efficient team of junior pupils. Pupils’ Burns-themed art works decorated the hall.

The vote of thanks was made by Mr Jack Paterson, returning to one of the places he recently graced, and special thanks were made to Mrs McLay, Mrs Reid and Mr Wilson, and their small army of helpers.

Performers and guests.

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