Wednesday 11 May 2011

Dalmellington Town Trail

Well, it's full steam ahead for the super fit SLC pupils who are working really hard with a whole range of fitness opportunities in place right up to the summer holidays including football, swimming and a day event at Sportsability at the Magnum Leisure Centre Irvine. Will it be six-packs all round come the summer???

SLC 3 and 4 pupils have been enjoying the recent good weather and taking the Dalmellington Town Trail to investigate and report on the interesting information provided in the locally produced history booklet.

Further to the current learning programme some pupils have been leading their own learning and have identified local people of historical interest and the Covenanters as areas for further learning. Furthermore, these outings have also been a great opportunity to meet with the local community who have been very interested in what we have been learning and have been very helpful in sharing their own knowledge.

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