Thursday 18 December 2008

Activate Success

Pupils from Doon Academy who took part in the Activate Programme from the summer of this year attended the Odeon Cinema in Kilmarnock on Friday 12 December for a Celebration of Success. The programme aims to help young people make the transition from school to further education, training or employment and covers aspects such a teambuilding, communication, job search, employability skills and career exploration. During the morning on Friday they heard a presentation from Mark Beaumont who has recently broke the Guinness World record for cycling around the world. Mark covered 18,297 miles in just 194 days smashing 81 days off the record. His motivational talk was extremely inspiring and this was a good opportunity to bring to life some of the important aspects of the Activate programme. Pupils could learn first hand from someone who had set goals and worked extremely hard to achieve his target.

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