Thursday 20 November 2008

Activate trip

A team of pupils from the Activate group took part in a teambuilding day at the Glasgow Climbing Centre. The main aim of the day was to show the importance of working together as a team and to start to prepare pupils for entering into the world of work. Pupils worked in pairs while instructors taught the basics of rock climbing and how to use the safety equipment. Under supervision, one team member climbed while the other worked the belay line to ensure the ropes were tight at all times and there was no danger to their partner if they lost their footing on the wall. The instructors also taught everyone how to abseil back off the wall once they had reached the top. There were various walls to try each one progressing in difficulty, everyone put in a huge effort to make the day a success. Lunch was as McDonald’s where everyone had the chance to wind down, stretch out tired muscles and talk about their experience.

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