Wednesday 16 July 2008

28th January 2008

Doon Academy’s team of S3 Business Management pupils attended the Stock Exchange Challenge at the Mitchell Library in Glasgow. Our team competed against pupils from other schools in the West of Scotland and experienced how to live through a week in the life of a trader on the Stock Exchange by buying and selling shares. The team managed to invest wisely and ended the challenge with more money in their portfolio. Well Done to Lesley Baird, Claire Connell, Lorna Brown, Alan Napier and Allan McDonald. The team were accompanied by Mrs Stewart from our Business Education and ICT Department
Doon Academy’s annual Burns Supper will be held on Wednesday 6th February 2008. Our 9th Supper promises to be a great evening with pupils performing Burns speeches, recitations and songs. Chairperson will be 6th year Russell Marshall. Tickets £5.00 available from Mrs. Cassidy at the school.
In the Concept 2 Rowing programme we have two pupils at the top of the world rankings for their age group. Keiren Mullen in the 1000 metres and Calum McLarty in the 500 metres. Congratulations to them both.
Exciting news from the Art Department staff who are arranging a visit to the jewellery exhibition at the Glasgow School of Art.
In Work Experience, three 3rd year pupils are attending for a week on the Fire Outreach Programme at Cumnock Fire Station. Five 4th year pupils are attending Ayr College for a week learning Construction Skills.
In preparation for their ski weekend in Aviemore 20 pupils attended the Newmilns ski slope to develop their skills.
Pupils in Modern Languages will be taking part in a Spanish Cooking Day. They will be preparing, cooking and eating tasty Spanish dishes. Ole!
Support for Learning Department will be piloting a new reading programme ‘Read, Write, Here’ developed by retired teacher Miss. O’Rourke.
GOALS Campus Day, for 3rd years, at the RSAMD and GSA will be taking place on February 26th.

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